The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 203)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 203)
Table 4.5. Share of United Kingdom in Total Citrus Exports (Boxes)
Exports to United
Total Exports Kingdom Percentage
1920-1921 830,959 330,179 40
1921-1922 1,234,251 743,179 60
1922-1923 1,365 543 942,463 69
1923-1924 1,589,331 1,190,473 75
1924-1925 2,146,457 1,319,667 61
1925-1926 1,518,731 (a)
1926-1927 2,668,291 1,943,828 73
1927-1928 2,220,443 1,730,520 80
1928-1929 1,802,547 1,333,674 74
1929-1930 2,610,205 2,164,837 83
1930-1931 2,469,856 1,901,510 77
1931-1932 3,698,489 2,620,966 71
1932-1933 4,490,409 3,230,290 72
1933-1934 5,533,350 3,621,538 65
1934-1935 7,334,343 5,550,125 76
1935-1936 5,886,401 4,505,914 77
1936-1937 10,795,894 8,390,097 78
1937-1938 11,444,408 7,083,000 62
1938-1939 15,264,776 7,992,388 52
1939-1940 7,590,465 6,079,974 80
(a) For the 1925-1926 season, Gurevich gives a larger figure for citrus exports to
the United Kingdom than the total exports of citrus.
Source: Calculated from figures given in Gurevich, Handbook, 180-1.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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