The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 208)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 208)
4.1.3 Fruits
Another cash crop that underwent substantial growth during the Mandate
was fruits, other than citrus. The growing of fruit trees was a centuries-old
tradition with grapes, figs, melons, and almonds being the principal ones.
No complete figures are available for area cultivated with fruits for the
1931-1934 period, but the increase in area between this period and the 1935-1939
period must have been substantial given the difference in production levels of the
two periods, even if we allow sufficient time before trees mature and start bearing
Average annual output increased from 36,399 tons in 1931-1934 to 188,529
tons in 1940-1944 (i.e., over a fivefold mimcrease). By 1945, output reached an even
higher figure of 237,545 tons. The increase in output and value was such that by
1944, the share of fruits in the value of all principal crops reached 27 percent in
1944, thus becoming the second most valuable crop for that year after vegetables if
citrus is excluded, when in 1937, its share was 10 percent. If citrus is included, the
share of fruits would have been 20 percent in 1937 increasing to 30 percent in
Most of the increase in the output of fruits was because of the increase in
melon production, which represented, on average, about 50 percent of the total
output of fruits for the Mandate period, but which accounted for only a little over
17 percent of the total value of fruits for 1937-1944. Although the increase in
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Riyad Mousa


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