The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 222)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 222)
Perhaps this sizable contribution explains the government’s strict regulation
of tobacco and its disregard for complaints by peasants regarding the ordinance that
not only required a license for cultivation, but also the specification that a
minimum of two dunums is required for tobacco cultivation, a figure that was
jointly agreed upon by the Department of Agriculture and Customs and the
growers and manufacturers.‘ These complaints were echoed by Simpson, who
The reason why the minimum was fixed at two dunums was
doubtless to check the consumption of unexcised tobacco. In fact,
however, it precludes the poorer man from cultivating a crop which
gives a high return. It is desirable that the minimum area should be
fixed at a lower figure than two dunums. Half a dunum appears a
sufficiently high minimum. . . . [Another complaint concerned the
provision that] renders it a criminal offense for the cultivator to
smoke his own home-grown tobacco.!”
Although the cultivation of tobacco was primarily carried out by Arab
growers, |’
its manufacture involved Arabs and Jewish Europeans. By 1939,
there were thirteen factories manufacturing tobacco products of which six were
Arab owned and seven were Jewish European owned.’® The value of production
of the latter factories was greater than the Arab-owned ones in 1939, but by 1942,
the situation was reversed.’” The greater output by Arab industrial undertakings
15H ope-Simpson Report, 100-1.
Thid., 101.
Gurevich, Handbook, 155; Brown, “Agriculture,” 64.
8 Survey I, 458.
'For values of output, see Abstract 1944/45, 54-5, 59-60.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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