The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 226)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 226)
same year, the output of durra of more than 63,000 metric tons was the second
best for the whole Mandate years, since durra, a summer crop, is sown in April
and harvested in August, and thus not hampered by the late rain.
There was also wide variation in rainfall between the northern and southern
parts of Palestine in spite of the small size of the country. In the southern part, the
average annual rainfall amounted to 150-200 millimeters,''> which meant that
although significant amounts of wheat and durra were planted, output per dunum
was very low even relative to the already low output figures for the whole
Other crucial differences that concerned the cultivation of wheat and durra
(but included all cereals) were those between Jewish Europeans and Arabs. Of the
total area of 3,002,889 dunums cultivated with wheat and durra, Jewish Europeans
cultivated only 160,262''’ dunums or 5.3 percent of the total. This represented
21 percent of the total Jewish European cultivated area. On the other land, Arab
agriculturalists allocated 41 percent of their cultivated land to wheat and durra.'"
However, the various degree of dependence (on all cereals) was more evident by
looking at the proportion of cereals to total income of cultivators.
'>Brown, “Agriculture,” 114.
"For productivity figures for selected years, see Brown, ibid., 128; for
comparative figures with other countries, see Nathan et al., 458.
‘Gurevich, Handbook, 156.
"See Table 4.1.A., and Gurevich, ibid.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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