The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 238)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 238)
variation in rainfall among different districts.
Although there was no increase in the overall number of animals, there was
a most important qualitative increase in the animals raised intensively, especially in
the case of cattle and poultry. However, this applied chiefly to the Jewish
European mixed farms.
In the case of poultry, the intensive methods involved the use of electric
incubators and brooders, pedigree birds, and the provision of feed—all resulting in
a high egg-laying rate.'*’ Egg production in European farms increased from 40
million units in 1937 to 90 million units in 1945'** and the number of all poultry
from 196,000’ in 1930 to 670,000 in 1942-1943. About 70 percent of the egg
production was marketed, and the rest was used for hatching and the farmers’ own
consumption. '?
As for Arab peasants, it seems that they too had an increase in the number
of all poultry from about one million in 1930 to two million in 1937, and by 1942-
1943 they owned 1,220,000 laying hens and cocks. This increase was encouraged
by the high demand for eggs and poultry that required an ever-increasing
importation in spite of the growth in local production, and prices compared
favorably with import prices. The increase in the number of poultry was also made
“Brown, “Agriculture,” 64-5.
M8Gurevich, Handbook, 166-7.
Horowitz and Hinden, 51.
Gurevich, Handbook, 166-7.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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