The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 264)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 264)
can be readily illustrated with its expenditure figures.
The following figures relate to the total activities of the Department of
Agriculture and Forestry (after 1936-1937 became the Department of Agriculture
and Fisheries) including broader assistance to increase agricultural productivity and
are not confined to raising the level of skills. In 1930, the total budget of the
Department of Agriculture and Forestry was £P 77,054 of which £P 45,009, or 58
percent, was for salaries and the remaining £P 32,045 was for all its other
activities including the experimental farms, the stock-breeding service, the poultry
stations, the demonstration plots, research institutions, and for fighting animal
However, not only were the funds inadequate, but for 1933-1934 to 1944-
1945°' the total expenditures by the department were less than the agricultural
taxes collected: Total tax revenue amounted to £P 2,541,759 and total expenditures
were £P 1,966,909. No figures are available on the share of salaries from total
expenditures, but if they were comparable to 1930, that would have meant that the
direct benefits to Arab peasants and European farmers (who needed it less) were
*°Hope-Simpson Report, 76-7.
“Excluding 1938-1939, since revenue figures are not available, as discussed in
Chapter 3, up to 1935 agricultural taxes included the tithe, the house and land tax,
and the animal tax; thereafter, the rural property tax and the animal tax.
“Derived from Abcarius, “Fiscal System,” 517; Abstract 1939, 114-5;
Abstract 1942, 94; Abstract 1944/45, 80-1; for expenditure figures by the
Department of Agriculture and Forestry for 1920-1921 to 1930-1931, see Abstract
1939, 113-4; no separate figures are available on agricultural taxes for 1920-1921
to 1930-1931.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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