The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 271)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 271)
1936 levels.
So, Arab wage labor was employed by settlers despite the policy of
“conquest of labor” (i.e., the exclusion of Arab labor from Jewish European
establishments). However, this employment was primarily in capitalist Jewish
European enterprises, and in “projects” undertaken and funded by Zionist
institutions, it was excluded.’ Thus, here we have another example from the labor
market that undermines the argument of those dual-economy proponents who chose
to ignore or deny the economic interactions between the two communities and the
implications of such interactions.
6.2 Differentiation of the Arab Peasantry
Who are those wage labor coming from rural areas? Were they landless
peasants who have been “pushed” out of independent agricultural production
through the expropriation of their land, or use of by the development of general
capitalist production in agriculture, or, alternatively, have they been attracted (i.e.,
“pulled”) to job opportunities external to the village economy as Carmi and
Rosenfeld’ claim? In other words, these two positions raise the question of
whether, and to what extent, there has been a process of differentiation among the
7See Shafir on the conflict within the settler community on this issue during the
pre-Mandate period.
’Shulamit Carmi and Henry Rosenfeld, “The Origins of the Process of
Proletarianization and Urbanization of Arab Peasants in Palestine,” Annals of the
New York Academy of Sciences 220 (March 1974): 470-85.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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