The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 279)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 279)
(4) The poor peasants’ per-capita resource position is so bad
as to necessitate working mainly for others in order to obtain a
subsistence—whether directly through hiring out labour for wages or
indirectly through leasing in land even on high rents, or a
combination of the two. The poor peasant operates some land
whether owned or rented, but working for others is at least as
important. If hiring out predominates, the poor peasant is basically
an agricultural labourer but also cultivating some land. If the rent
payment predominates, then the poor peasant is basically a petty
tenant. Typically poor peasants cannot make ends meet and have to
depress consumption standards below customary levels.
(5) The fuil-time labourer does not operate any land at all.
He is entirely or mainly dependent on hiring out his labour for
wages in order to obtain a subsistence. (Some full-time labourers
may own a small trip of land which they lease out; however the
labour equivalent of the rent received is not large enough to balance
or out-weigh wages received on account of hiring out.) Like the
poor peasant, the full-time labourer seldom achieves customary
levels of subsistence and moreover usually faces much greater
uncertainty than even the poor peasants do, in obtaining the bare
necessities for survival."
Now, we are in a position to adapt Patnaik’s classification to the Palestinian
peasantry. I will use the Johnson-Crosbie Report that not only provided
information on holding size, but more importantly for our purpose furnished a
distribution on the sources of income for households as being exclusively derived
from the cultivation of their holdings, wholly from hiring out, or a combination of
the two. This will be supplemented by information from the 1931 Census on
“occupation or means of livelihood” in agriculture.
In addition, to better understand the class position of all the different strata
in agriculture, we need to include the absentee landlords’ holdings that were
ignored in the analysis of the Johnson-Crosbie Report. I also include the holdings
Ibid., A85.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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