The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 304)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 304)
and for many others to increased indebtedness and the strengthening of the hold of
merchant/moneylending capital on them. Besides the usurious rates charged by the
merchant/moneylender, the peasant was “usually obliged to pay his debts right
after harvest when prices [were] low.”?!
The expansion in cash crops and manufacturing where wage labor was
employed, especially on a permanent basis, signifies some linkages between
merchant capital and industrial capital. It must be stressed, however, that this
linkage was relatively limited and that merchant capital remained the dominant
form of capital in the rural areas. In this regard, it has been suggested that
Lenin’s statement of the process of differentiation . . . is much less
dogmatic than some of his followers have assumed, and he concedes
that when we said above that the peasant bourgeoisie are the masters
of the contemporary countryside, we disregarded the factors
regarding differentiation; bondage, usury, labour [sic]-service etc.
Actually the real masters of the contemporary countryside are often
enough not the representatives of the peasant bourgeoisie, but the
village usurers and the neighboring landowners.”
*!Veicmanas, “Internal Trade,” 364, footnote 52.
Harriss, “Introduction” to Part Two, 122.
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Riyad Mousa


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