Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 39)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 39)
empiricism in the twentieth century. (53) In general, it is
useful to differentiate between "positivist philosophy" - in
particular that of Comte - and "positivist epistemology".
(54) When we use the term positivism we shall be referring to
epistemological positivism, unless we state differently.
R. Keat and J. Urry. in their book Social Theory as Science,
outline four essential features of epistemological positivism
we can usefully utilise as a typology of epistemological
positivism. These are:
1. Scientific theory is evaluated by reference to empirical
2. The real objects of science are independent of theories
and it is these objects which science aims to apprehend and
3. The data of experience is empirical and given directly
to experience and observation.
4. The notion that universal statements may be articulated
about regular and contingent relationships occurring in
nature. (55)
The anti-theoreticism of this mode of epistemology should be
clear from the typology. For the positivist we have
adequately explained an event or phenomenon once we have
shown it to be an instantiation of a general empirical law.
The positivist model of scientific activity is a deductive
one. (56) The locus classicus of deductivism can be found in
the work of Ernest Nagel. (57) Nagel's view of science is
Alex Pollock


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