Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 43)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 43)
of subsumption simultaneously extends their functional domain
of application. (65) Thus, Einsteins theory of relativity
“covers” or subsumes Newtonian physical theory.
However, no matter what their covering qualities may be,
“theories” are classifications of highly general hypothetico-
universal laws whose truth or falsity can be determined
solely by way of observation and empirical experiment, i.e.
it is only observation which provides the objective basis for
the theorisation of empirical laws. Although a number of the
earliest positivists claimed that theories could be known to
be conclusive and shown to be true, most modern positivists
would generally assent that laws in scientific theories have
the status of hypotheses. Thus, laws are hypothetical in form
because any claim to universal truth transcends the bounds of
actual experience. (66)
One version of positivism, verificationism, claims that
empirical or observational evidence is utilised to provide
varying degrees of support to the truth of scientific
theories, and, further states, that rival theories can be
Critically assessed in terms of their relative degree of
empirical confirmation of their respective theoretical
structure. (67)
In a somewhat similar current, although reversing the
polarity, Karl Popper has formulated the notion that
scientists proceed, not by way of verification, but, by way
of a method of theoretical conjecture and empirical
uf 29
Alex Pollock


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