Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 46)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 46)
problem of theoretical entities in terms of observational
categories by means of correspondence rules or bridging
principles which ultimately enable the positist to link
theoretical entities with empirical categories. (76)
Operationalism claims that it is possible to distinguish
“observational terms" from "theoretical terms" and the
entities these terms denote are denoted in palpably different
languages, 1.e. observational language and theoretical
language. These languages, So it 1s claimed. are apparently
epistemically discrete.
This technically analytic bifurcation of scientific discourse
has been rigorously attacked and analytically dissected by
conventionalist philosophers of science. Conventionalists
have shown that the language used in both scientific and
ordinary discourse are not epistemically discrete. (77) We
shall return to this point in greater detail in the next
In their account of causality the positivist restricts the
existential realm to the realm of observational. This is in
effect a disavowel of a world in which causal necessity is
efficacious. This is because, as for the empiricist, the
Humean notion of causality is central to their account of
causality. For Hume, we may believe a sequence of events to
be causally connected, however, no amount of observational
evidence can show them to be necessarily connected. (78) The
positivist fully subscribes to the empiricist concept of
causality, which we termed regularity determinism. (79)
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Alex Pollock


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