Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 47)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 47)
Positivism is faced with a real problem in attempting to
reconcile the utilisation of "theoretical entities" in
scientific practice and its ongoing commitment to a theory of
causality based on regularity determinism. This problem stems
largely from the uncritical acceptance of empiricist
epistemology which 1s grounded in the axiomatic category
“experience” or "observation", which is a pure uncontaminated
realm of "sense-experience", and, which can be descibed ina
“theory-neutral" manner. This is fundamental to
epistemological empiricism in all its variant forms:
empiricism, logical empiricism, logical atomism,
phenomenalism, conf irmationism, operationalism and
verificationism. The essence of this epistemology is that the
truth or falsity of observation statements can be empirically
demonstrated without reference to a_priori, rational or
theoretical elements.
However, anyone with a passing acquaintance with Kant will
find this epistemological position ~° disingenous and
contentious. (80) Kant has shown that the observation of an
object is never completely free from conceptual and
theoretical assumptions and presuppositions. For language,
the very form in which we communicate knowledge, is
irreducibly conceptual and not an intrinsically perceptual
datum. The belief that science is grounded on a pure,
uninterpreted or theoretically-neutral plane is fundamentally
misconceived, since modern liguistics -— from Saussure to
Chomsky —- points out that there is no perceptual base which
is not simultaneously interdependent on a conceptual
Alex Pollock


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