Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 48)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 48)
Karl] Popper, who works with a strong empirical framework, has
consistently affirmed the necessity for science to be
objectively controlled by observation. However, for Popper,
observation has no absolute guarantee associated with it.
Observation is one logistic base among others through which
we affirm scientific practice. Popper is adamant that there
is no possibility of a "theory-free language" of observation
which can function as the apodectic ground of scientific
knowledge. He argques:
The empirical basis of objective science has
nothing absolute about it. Science does not rest on
@ rock bottom. The bold structure of theories
rises, as it were, upon a swamp. It is like a
building erected upon piles. The piles are driven
down from above into the swamp, but not to any
natural or "given" base: and when we cease our
attempts to drive our piles into deeper layer it is
not because we have reached firm ground. We simply
stop when we are satisfied they are firm enough to
carry the structure, at least for the time being.
Although he is a long way from the cruder versions of both
emPiricism and positivism, Popper is still located within the
positivist problematic. When he describes as "observational"
all those terms whose valid or invalid application can _ be
“commonly" agreed upon by the "community of scientists”
working in the field he is still in the arena of the
positivist epistemologist. According to Popper, science still
has to be controlled by observation, i.e. by the objective
consensus of the scientific community as to what the
observable facts actually are. Popperian falsificationism
Alex Pollock


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