Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 49)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 49)
assumes that theoretical disputes can be, more or less,
uncontentiously resolved by the reference to the consensual
observation of disputed facts by the scientists involved.
However, this voluntaristic "political" position does not
help us to resolve the theory/observation or fact/theory
dilemma of empiricist epistemology, it merely shrouds it
under an ill-concealed political veneer which does not take
into account the very real personality and political disputes
which are an integral part of scientific research and
research funding process.
If we focus more critically on both empiricism and positivism
we can perhaps begin to overcome certain of their more
entrenched problems and begin to move out of the empiricist
epistemological and ontological ghetto.
In this section I shall attempt to outline what I consider to
be the most serious inadequacies of the empiricist and
positivist account of science. I shall outline these
deficiences without immediately resolving them. since I
believe that their resolution is to be found in an
alternative account of science, namely the realist account. I
shall consider the realist account in the following section
of this chapter.
The first point I wish to discuss is the manner in which
empiricism unifies epistemological and ontological categories
vA ; 35
Alex Pollock


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