Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 55)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 55)
epistemology is grounded on an ontological substratum which
reduces knowledge to experience and experience itself is
fused with the object experienced. In the following section I
will attempt to bring out a realist alternative which does
not fall prey to the criticisms raised against empiricism.
However, I should end this section by bringing out some of
empiricism's more pertinent points, since much recent
Philosophy of social science practice has been over-eager to
criticise everything which is empirically grounded as
empiricist. (86) What is sound reasoning in the empiricist
tradition? Empiricism is veracious when it posits’ the
existence of an empirical world where atomistic phenomena do
occur, and when it argues it is possible to classify these
phenomena in the form of constant conjunctions. There is
absolutely nothing contentious in this. In fact 1t
constitutes good common-sense as well as being an important
part of scientific activity. What is erroneous is to reason
that this order of phenomena exhausts the plenitude of the
world. I will argue that the world is empirical but it is not
reducible to the empirical; it is not empiricist. Further, it
is certainly uncontentious to perceive the co-variance of
constant conjunctions of events as bringing out real patterns
of determination, but it is fundamentally misconceived to
argue, as the regularity determinists do, that the
articulation of these empirical patterns is the only
apodectic theory of causality. since this would not permit
the articulation within the empirical frame of such
unobservable elements as atoms, magnetic fields, etc. In
Alex Pollock


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