Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 63)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 63)
events. Since the realist views the role of experiments in
science as being designed to bring about a Situation of
experimental closure of the world so that we can identify
causal mechanisms operating independently of exogenous causal
factors. (95) Thus, it is normally only under conditions of
experimental closure that scientists discover and identify
causal laws (or mechanisms) and constant conjunctions of
events. In other words. the realist asserts that once we have
identified causal laws and mechanisms under the conditions of
experimental closure it is necessary to assume that these
causal laws and mechanisms operate in open-systems where
exogenous causal factors intervene and thus cause:a different
course of events to emerge than those established under the
conditions of experimental closure. (96) In the interaction
of different causal structures and mechanisms in the _ real
world causal laws are often out of phase with the patterns of
events which we can empirically detect. Thus, causal laws are
not empirical statements about constant conjunctions of
events but are statements about the behaviour of structured
Realist Theory of Causality
For the realist, causal laws are ontologically independent of
constant conjunctions of events. Experimental activity only
makes sense if it allows us to move beyond regularity
determinism and develop a theory of ontology based on the
concepts of structures, generative mechanisms and active
powers. To develop a concept of causality which allows us to
Alex Pollock


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