Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 65)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 65)
mechanisms which will interfere with the inherent tendencies
of the mechanism in question and produce a pattern of events
which may be random but still causally generated.
Thus, the interaction of generative mechanisms in open-
Systems will bring about patterns of events which are not the
same as those brought out under ideal experimental
conditions, since these events will often be caused by a
complex interplay of a network of different generative
mechanisms. The major methodological problem in open-systems
is to identify which real mechanisms are operating at any one
time and then to analyse the nature of the causes which are
bringing about the pattern of events which we are able to
observe empirically. Because of the complexity of causal
analysis in open-systems we cannot read off from a distinct
pattern of events to a generative structure. In open-systems
there is very seldom a one-to-one correspondence between
cause and effect; between a constant conjunction of events
and a causal mechanism.
In order to make sense of the notion of a causal law we have
to understand it as referring to "tendencies of things" (i.e.
generative mechanisms, structures and powers) which may or
may not be realised in open-systems. Causal laws are not
empirical statements about particular events but about the
tendencies of generative mechanisms, structures and powers
which may or may not be actualised in open systems. (97)
To take account of these different aspects of causality in
LF 51
Alex Pollock


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