Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 67)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 67)
why the tendencies of one generative mechanism were not
actualised due to countervailing tendencies in the other
mechanism. This 18S exactly the realm of applied science which
differentiates it from pure experimental science.
In order to take account of this distinction. the realist
argues that it is necessary to conceive the world of the
interaction of generative mechanisms as stratified. It is by
treating laws as normic or tendency statements about the
behaviour of real mechanisms or structures operating on the
level of the real that we are able to explain the events
which actually occur and which we experience randomly in
open-systems. The phenomena we experience on the empirical
level are the effects of operational structures and
mechanisms. However, the realist cannot assert a priori that
one particular mechanism or structure is operative, s/he
needs to be in a position to identify and corroborate that a
set of antecedent conditions have been instantiated before
s/he can claim that a generative mechanism or structure has
been set in motion. The criteria for the identification and
corroboration must necessarily be empirically grounded. The
stratification of the world requires that scientific laws
take the form of normic or tendency statements and the
ultimate referents of science are the tendencies of things
and not empirical generalisations. Scientists make use of the
domains of the empirical and the actual to discover these
referents and to explain their interaction in concrete causal
Lt |
Alex Pollock


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