Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 71)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 71)
manner by reconstructing the inductive tenets of empiricism
in a logically deductive form. I showed how both
methodological strategies were subject to critique on three
elements central to their coherence: Firstly, conventional
and rationalist philosophers of science have shown the
concept of experience to be theory-laden rather than theory-
neutral as the empiricists claim. Secondly, I demonstrated
how the empiricist theory of ontology, which perceives’ the
world as made up of simple immediate empirical elements.
cannot account for elements in scientific discourse which are
not themselves empirical referents. Finally, I showed how the
empiricist account of causality can only explain events) and
their concurrence in closed-systems on. the basis of
sequential relations. According to this account there was a
necessary correspondence between explanation and prediction.
I then outlined the main themes in a realist alternative to
the empiricist account of knowledge which addressed the
issues raised in the critique of empiricism. I showed how the
realist develops an alternative theory of ontology which
enables realism to account for theoretical entities such as
electrons and atoms etc. in amaterialist rather than a
formalist manner. Ontological realism conceptualises the
world as consisting of three ontological layers: the
empirical, the actual and the real. Our experiences of the
world occur at the empirical level, events occur at the level
of the actual and the generative mechanisms which generate
these events are operative at the level of the real. Realism
defines scientific experience as being socially structured in
Alex Pollock


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