Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 72)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 72)
the context of experimental activity where scientists test
their theories under ideally controlled conditions which
bring ali three distinct ontological levels into phase with
each other. It is only under this condition of experimental
closure that these ontological levels are normally in phase.
In the normal working of cause and effect in nature these
levels are out of phase.
The realist theory of causality takes causal order into
consideration in open-systems by maintaining that events are
caused by generative mechanisms and maintaining that causal
laws are nothing other than the tendencies of these
generative mechanisms. In order to apply causal analysis to
open-systems the realist operates with a retroductive
analytic. This method allows the realist to isolate the
different mechanisms operating in causal conjunctures and to
explain events by taking into account the operation of
countervailing and intervening tendencies from different
generative mechanisms.
In the remainder of this thesis I will attempt to apply the
retroductive analytic to the conditions of poverty and
underdevelopment which are prevalent in the north Jordan
Valley of the occupied West Bank of Jordan. In attempting to
utilise this methodology, I propose to re-interpret a number
of debates which have taken place around the notions of
“social formations and modes of production" and "the
articulation of modes of production" within the framework of
the methodological protocols established by realism. This is
Alex Pollock


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