Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 74)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 74)
1. Quoted in Norman Geras, “Marx and the Critique of
Political Economy", in Robin Blackburn Ed., Ideology in the
Social Sciences. (Glasgow, 1972). p.286.
2. David and Judith Willer argue that empiricist forms of
knowledge are one type of knowledge and it can be
differentiated from other types of knowledge forms, namely
rational and abstractive knowledge. Empirical Knowledge
articulates connections between elements on an observational
level. Rationalism articulates logical connections between
unobservables ona theoretical level. Abstractive thought
connects the theoretical to the observational level. Science,
they argue, synthesises all three forms of knowledge. See,
Systematic Empiricism: Critique of Psuedoscience, (New
Jersey, 1973).
3. For an account of the former see, R. Harre andE. H.
Madden, Causal Powers, (Oxford, 1975). Also, A. F. Chalmers,
What is This Thing Called Science?, (Milton Keynes, 1976).
For an account of deductivism see, inter alia, M. Hesse,
"Models Versus Paradigms in the Natural Sciences", in L.
Collins Ed., The Uses of Models in the Social Sciences,
(London, 1976). B. Hindess, Philosophy and Methodology in the
Social Sciences, (Sussex, 1977). E. Nagel, The Structure of
Science, (London, 1961) R. Keat and J. Urry, Social Theory as
Science, (London, 1975). T. Benton, The Philosophical
Foundation of the Three Sociologies. (London, 1977).
Alex Pollock


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