Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 101)
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- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 101)
- المحتوى
existence of social formations, modes of production and the
combination of modes of production in different social
formations. (41) This debate was centred around the
contributions of Althusser, Balibar, Hindess, Hirst,
Meillassoux, Poulantzas, Rey and Terray. There were a number
of important substantive pieces of work to come out of this
debate, although the main line of the initial debate was to
sustain a rigorous conceptual reading of Marx's mature work.
Through this, it was explained that it would be possible to
introduce conceptual rigour into modes of Marxist theorising
which were seen to be increasingly marked by a sequence of
epistemological errors, viz. empiricism, economism,
reductionism and humanism.(42) This attempt to proscribe
empiricism, by the followers of Althusser, introduced an
equally useless list of epistemological errors, viz.
theoreticism, rationalism, formalism, logicism, structural-
functionalism and non-substantialism.
No matter what the critics take to be the merits and demerits
(and there are many) of this work, the Althusserian school
stands out as the most important paradigm instrumentally in
reasserting the importance of Marx's Capital as an initial
logical, conceptual and methodological starting point for
analysing contemporary society. (43) With Althusser, western
Marxism moved out of its existentialised and re-idealised
period which marked the European Marxism of the ‘50's and
‘60's. (44) The result of the work of Althusser and his
colleagues led to the publication of a number of important
books in politics, economics and anthropology which have 4
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- Alex Pollock
Position: 28071 (4 views)