Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 102)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 102)
formal conceptual congruence with Marx's later work on
politics and political economy. (45) It is in Marx's later
work —-— concerned with the analysis of the capitalist mode of
production and the process of the circulation of capital —-
that we find the closest approximation to the concepts of
social formation, mode of production and articulation.
Now, the manner in which these and related concepts have been
theorised in contemporary debate is extremely heterogeneous.
(46) There is no simple way of categorising the different
positions which emerged through this school because they
cover both epistemological and substantive issues and very
often the differences between the substantive and
epistemological issues were not clear. One way of by-passing
a great deal of the debate and simplifying it is to focus on
the epistemological and ontological issues which underly this
Much of the debate as it evolved from the Althusserian
tradition was obsessively focused on issues of epistemology
and theoretical rigour to the detriment of the methodological
application of concepts to concrete historical situations.
Althusser has taken himself to task, in an auto-critique, for
the error of theoreticism. (47) Theoreticism was always an
inherent danger in the work of Althusser and Balibar (the co-
author of the English version of Lire le Capital) given that
they sought to consolidate Marxism on a rigorous conceptual
plane. This well-intentioned project was always likely to
lose sight of the empirical and real/concrete underpinnings
Alex Pollock


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