Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 103)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 103)
of Marx's method of concept formation. (48)
The inherent danger of the Althusserian project became the
fundamental theoretical prerequisite in the work of his two
earliest British adherents. B. Hindess and P. Hirst, in whose
work concrete analysis and concrete example were displaced by
a process of purely formal abstractionism. (49) In their
work, theory construction became a hermetically sealed
universe of concepts and the logical connection between
concepts; it is a form of logical deductivism run amok. The
implications of their particular contribution to the theory
of modes of production is that theoretical work and concept
formation can be carried out in separation from the real, the
actual and the empirical; from the realm of ontology. For
Hindess and Hirst the internal canons of proof of a theory
appear to be the only necessary register of its adequacy,
i.e. if the relations posited between the concepts of a
theory are non-contradictory, in the logical sense, then it
is a perfectly adequate theory. Now no one, I hope, would
deny the proposition that a theory must satisfy certain
internal canons of proof, viz. that the logical relations
between concepts must be constructed in a non-contradictory
manner. However, when we are dealing with objects which are
putated to be ontologically significant - @€.g. social
relations of domination and subordination articulated in the
concepts of modes of production — then we must demand that we
combine methodological criteria of external corroboration and
reference with logical non-contradiction so that we can
identify what type of things there are, i.e. we want to posit
LB. 89
Alex Pollock


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