Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 104)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 104)
the existence of real objects and their relations rather than
merely logical objects and their relations. (50)
The formalist approach to theory construction, most skilfully
represented in the work of Hindess and Hirst, offers us only
logical objects homologous to the theories of pure
mathematics. The formalist approach obfuscates the relation
between epistemology and ontology - between the real and
knowledge of the real - by completely displacing the
ontological conditions of existence of social objects, e.g.
modes of production, and the patterns of determination of
these objects. In the formalist schema logic replaces
history and the logical relations between concepts replaces
the concrete determination between social objects. (51)
There are, it seems, two ways out of the dilemma of
formalism. One 1s a return to empiricism. The second is to
operate with a realist epistemology. The second approach is,
in essence, the approach Marx outlined in his two most
important methodological outlines, the 1857 "Introduction" to
the Grundrisse and the 1859 "Preface" to A Contribution to a
Critique of Political Economy.
Third, is the Laclau-Frank debate which was a debate over
Andre Gunder Frank's "neo-Smithian" definition of capitalism
and the implications this had, both politically and
economically, for understanding and explaining Latin American
history. (52) The Latin American debate, in which Frank was
initiating a theoretical intervention, had a similar
vé _ 90
Alex Pollock


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