Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 105)
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- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 105)
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conceptual object to the Indian mode of production debate,
Viz. whether Latin American society should be conceptualised
as a feudal or a capitalist society. (53)
This was not merely a formal academic debate over the correct
conceptual label to affix to Latin America but a highly-
charged factional political debate among the Latin American
Left which went right to the heart of the correct strategic
political goals to be set in the Latin American continent.
Those who claimed that Latin American society was feudal in
character (the majority of the Latin American Communist
Parties) took the strategic position that Latin American
Leftist forces should form an alliance with the national
bourgeoisie in struggle against the feudal oligarchy and
imperialism. (54)
Frank criticised the theoretical assumptions underlying this
position on & number of grounds. Firstly, he argued against
the stagist theory which assumed that all countries must pass
through certain necessary stages of development. (55)
Secondly, he showed that the assumptions in the "dual society
thesis" of W. A. Lewis, which a number of Latin American
Marxists had taken on board as part of their conceptual
baggage, was mistaken. This thesis argued that the national
economies of Latin American nations were composed of two
sectors: one feudal, archaic and underdeveloped and the other
capitalist, dynamic and developed. These Marxists argued that
the immediate political strategy should be to promote the
interests of the national bourgeoisie in order to transform
91 JF, - تاريخ
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- Alex Pollock
Position: 18009 (5 views)