Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 106)
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- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 106)
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the backward feudal (normally agricultural) hinterland thus
completing the bourgeois democratic revolution and laying
the conditions for socialist transformation. Frank showed
that, far from being an independent feudal sector, the
archaic sector was completely penetrated by the capitalist
market and integrated into the capitalist world economy and
it was for this reason that this sector was underdeveloped.
While generally agreeing with Frank's critique of the dual
society thesis and remaining non-committal towards his
critique of political strategy, the Argentinian sociologist
Ernesto Laclau was far from satisfied with Frank's definition
of capitalism as a world system of exchange characterised by
links of monopoloy and exploitation through which the
developed countries dominate the countries of the Third
World. Laclau argued, correctly, that this was not a rigorous
Marxist theoretical conceptualisation, since it failed to
define capitalism in terms of relations of production but, on
the contrary, in terms of national (imperial) power defined
at the level of exchange. (57) Laclau argues:
Of course, Frank is at liberty to abstract a mass
of historical features and build a model on this
basis. He can even, if he wishes, give the
resulting entity the name capitalism... But what 1s
wholly unacceptable is the fact that Frank claims
that his conception is the Marxist concept of
capitalism. Because for Marx - as is obvious to
anyone who has even a superficial acquaintance with
his works — capitalism was a mode of production.
The fundamental economic relationship of capitalism
is constituted by the free labourer's sale of his
labour power, whose necessary precondition is the
loss by the direct producer of ownership of the
means of production. (58)
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- Alex Pollock
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