Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 107)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 107)
For Laclau, Frank's major theoretical error was to locate the
contradiction of underdeve lopment in the sphere of
circulation and exchange rather than in the sphere of
Production. This circulationist account can only provide a
partial explanation of the phenomenon of underdevelopment. In
order to complete the picture Laclau argues that we need to
incorporate the analysis of modes of production in terms of
their constituent relations of production, i.e. the forms of
ownership of the means of production and the forms of
economic exploitation. (59) These have to be analysed in
conjunction with the "economic system" as a whole in which
the mutual relations between the different productive sectors
of the economy are brought out on a regional, national and
world scale. This form of analysis includes the level of
circulation emphasised by Frank. (60)
All three of these sources have elements in common but they
are also separated by major theoretical and meta-theoretical
differences. For the purposes of my analysis of social
relations of productions and their conditions of reproduction
in the north Jordan Valley I will attempt to re-interpret
some of the basic concepts of this debate within the
framework of methodological realism. The key concepts in this
re-interpretation are; social formation, modes of production
and articulation.
Social Formation
The concept of social formation is normally used to
93 JF,
Alex Pollock


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