Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 108)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 108)
designate. following contemporary practice, the same object
or rather combination of objects which Marx referred to by
the notion of "socio-economic formation". In the Marxist
classics this was constructed to include the economic system
(mode of production), political and legal institutions, and,
ideological and cultural formations. (61) This was most
commonly expressed in terms of the base/superstructure
metaphor. (62)
In the recent debates the social formation is most often
functionally conceived as the real/concrete object of
conjunctural analysis which is constituted as a complex
unity, in which, it is normally said, a particular mode of
production is dominant over other modes of production in this
combined unity of economic, political and ideological
structures and practices. For example, Nicos Poulantzas
states that:
The dominance of one mode of production over others
in a social formation causes the matrix of this
mode of production (i.e. the particular reflection
of determination by the economic element in the
last instance by which it is specified) to mark the
whole of the formation. In this way a historically
determined social formation is specified by a
particular articulation (through an index of
determination and overdetermination) of different
economic, political, ideological and theoretical
levels and instances. As a general rule, taking
account of the dislocation which will be
encountered, this articulation is that of the
dominant mode of production. (63)
If we discount certain epistemological differences, then
Poulantzas' position is a relevant methodological starting
Point for the analysis of concrete conjunctures inasmuch as
Alex Pollock


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