Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 109)
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- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 109)
- المحتوى
it leads us to focus on a series of different practices
(policies and strategies) of political, economic and
ideological instances (organisations and institutions). This
approach allows us to focus on the totality of elements in a
non-reductionist manner. It further allows us to approach
the totality as a stratified combination of a plurality of
structures and events which are articulated in historically
determinate and distinct combinations and effects. My major
qualm about Poulantzas' statement of the problem is that
there 1S a methodologically and theoretically unnecessary
tendency to structural a_priorism. Realist methodology
requires no guarantees to the structural domination of one
mode of production over others in the social formation. The
problem of structural domination, if it exists, is a problem
to be explained and conceptualised in the historical analysis
of structures and their formation rather than assumed.
Moreover, the articulation of the domination of the dominant
mode may or may not be completely expressed in the practices
and instances of ideology and politics. Only a concrete
analysis can bring this out and we have no need (for
structural guarantees. However, Poulantzas' position is a
useful methodological heuristic which is clearly open to
interpretation within a realist methodological frame. (64)
Since in the course of this thesis I will be particularly
concerned to bring out the structures of the economic
instance and their effects on a regional level I will now
briefly outline some general comments about the non-economic
instances of articulation which are co-terminous with the
95 - تاريخ
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- Alex Pollock
Position: 18009 (5 views)