Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 110)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 110)
economic instances of articulation. These are the political
and ideological mechanisms and processes of articulation.
The political instance is composed of relations of violence-
legitimation and the ideological composed of
relations of consent-manipulation. These two instances always
have a people-class specificity which is not simply reducible
to economic class determination (e.g. bourgeois state or
false consciousness). However, they always have a distinct
class content if not a class form. (65)
Here [ would just like to make a very few’ provisional and
tentative comments on the complex issue of the articulation
of the political, ideological and economic instances which
will form the backdrop to the more substantive regional study
which will follow in the remaining chapters. In analysing
the West Bank in the present conjuncture I will start from
the proposition that the West Bank has been forcibly
integrated into the Israeli social formation through a matrix
of relations of political-military domination and economic
dependency. Politically the West Bank is dominated by a form
of exceptionalist capitalist state. (66) The character of
this exceptionalism is settler colonialism and military
occupation. (67) I think it is a fundamental misconception
to view the state, as opposed to the ideology, as Zionist.
The Israeli state is an exceptionalist capitalist state
legitimated among the Israeli-Jewish populace on the basis of
its expression of the populist contents of Zionist ideology.
This ideology is not homogeneous but composed of
heterogeneous ideological forms, from labour Zionism with its
vf 96
Alex Pollock


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