Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 111)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 111)
myths and symbols signified in the totemic triangle of land,
labour and Jewishness, to Gush Emunim with its ideological
myths and symbols signified in the holy trinity of Torah,
kippah and ouzZi (machine pistol). (68) The underlying
element of these divergent Zionist ideologies which is
popularly expressed/manipulated in the state is Jewishness.
This has been the case from David Ben Gurion to Menachem
In terms of state economic policy in both Israel and the West
Bank the Israeli state has consistently represented the
interests of Israeli Jewish-capital. In the Occupied
Territories the state continues to maintain the conditions
necessary for the reproduction of the West Bank as Israel's
biggest "external" market next to the USA, e.g. in trade with
Israel the West Bank has always had an import surplus in both
the industrial and the agricultural sectors (see, Table 5).
Table 5S: Imcocrts and Exports Between the West Hank and Israel *
Year Agriculturai Acricultural Industria: Industrial
Imports From Export to Imports Fram Exports to
Israei Israel Israel Israel
1978 63.3 29,2 317.3 102.35
1979 ii7.7 45.9 69.2 182.3
1980 298.5 138.4 1524.8 423.8
19Gi xs 454.3 192.4 2098.4 831.2
k In miitiion Israeli shekel
ax For the first third of 1981 (469)
State Policy has resulted in economic expansion being
restricted to the sector which facilitates Israeli economic
Lf, 57
Alex Pollock


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