Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 114)
- عنوان
- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 114)
- المحتوى
(Capital Volume 1), the circuit of commercial capital
(Capital Volume 2), the circuit of interest bearing capital
(Capital Volume 2) and the etfects of the interaction of the
three (Capital Volume 3).
The point I wish to extract from this is that the capitalist
mode of production is both analytically and, by and large,
organisationally distinct from the circuits of commercial and
interest bearing capital. However, the reproduction of the
capitalist mode of production requires that these
organisational forms be combined or articulated as a
functioning unity. Once this is grasped we can profitably
differentiate between the capitalist mode of production
(composed of the labour process and the valorisation process)
and the capitalist economic system (composed of the
historical articulation of the capitalist mode of production,
the circuit of commercial capital and the circuit of interest
bearing capital). (77)
The circuits of commercial capital and interest bearing
capital are just as often articulated, both historically and
contemporaneously, with other modes of production; petty—
commodity, feudal, slave and lineage modes of production.
(78) All that is required for this articulation to be
possible is that a portion of the economic surplus generated
in these alternative modes of production be produced as
commodities for sale or market exchange. (79)
Having established that I will treat capitalist and non-
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- Alex Pollock
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