Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 115)
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- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 115)
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capitalist modes of production as analytically distinct from
the sectors which facilitate the realisation of surplus value
and surplus product, I wish to turn directly to the
contemporary debate over modes of production. Harold Wolpe
has made the useful analytic distinction between those
theorists who work with an extended concept of mode of
production (Balibar and Bettelheim) and those who work with a
restricted concept of mode of production (Hindess and Hirst,
Poulantzas, Laclau and Brenner). (80) In the general
formulation of the restricted concept of mode of production
"... the definition of the relations and forces of production
is held to exhaust the concept of mode of production". (81)
While, those who operate with an extended concept of mode of
production argue that "... a mechanism of reproduction or
laws of motion of the "economy" as a whole" should be
incoporated in the conceptualisation of a mode of production.
If we look at the theorists who advocate the extended concept
of mode of production we find that they tend towards an
economistic resolution of the problem of the mechanism of
reproduction or "laws of motion" of the system, i.e. they
solve the problem on a purely economic level. Thus, Balibar
argues that:
"ss .©6hlUtthe analysis of reproduction shows that every
mode of production determines modes of circulation,
distribution and consumption as _ so many moments in
its unity. (83)
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- Alex Pollock
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