Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 118)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 118)
themselves just as crucial to the determination of prices and
rates of accumulation. There is no simple way of
theoretically subsuming these determinations into different
forms of production nor is it even methodologically
necessary. These dynamics have to be analysed in the process
of concrete conjunctures and should not be formally subsumed
in the concept of mode of production.
These criticisms show that the attempt to construct an
extended concept of mode of production are theoretically
problematic. While the goal of attempting to formulate an all
encompassing theorisation of extended modes of production
might appear logically appealing it is hardly likely to
accord well with conjunctural reality. The realist point is
that we should not just be attempting to locate one prime
motor force or law of motion but expect to find numerous
different generative mechanisms — not just in the sphere of
production relations, but also in the spheres of politics and
ideology (in the broadest sense) which impinge on these
production relations and shape them — and their multiple
effects. We cannot do this very readily utilising the
extended concept of mode of production.
Thus, in order to overcome these problems, I will operate
with a restricted concept of mode of production and bring out
the differential conditions of the reproduction of different
modes of production in concrete analysis. Now, in general
terms, the concept of a restricted mode of production is a
systemic combination of relations and forces of production
J 104
Alex Pollock


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