Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 119)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 119)
which entails a determinate form of ownership of the means of
production and a determinate form of appropriation of the
product or surplus product produced in the mode concerned.
(90) The form of ownership iS a critical aspect because it
categorically determines the manner in which appropriation of
the economic surplus occurs and the degree of control which
the appropriator has over the productive activity of the
For the purposes of conceptual specification of the different
forms of non-capitalist modes of production found in the
north Jordan Valley I will adopt, with some modifications,
Laclau's definition of a mode of production as:
"oa. the logically and mutually co-ordinated
articulation of: 1. a determinate type of
ownership of the means of production; 2. a
determinate form of appropriation of the economic
surplus; 3. a determinate degree of development of
the division of labour; 4. a determinate level of
development of the productive forces. This is not
merely a descriptive enumeration of ~isolated'
factors, but a totality defined by its mutual
interconnections. With this totality, property in
the means of production constitutes the decisive
element”. (91)
I contend that Laclau's definition encompasses, at this level
of abstraction, the necessary conceptual elements for (re-)
constituting the different modes of production in Marxist
discourse: the feudal mode of production, the capitalist mode
of production, the petty-commodity mode of production, the
slave mode of production etc. Moreover, it should enable us
to construct the concepts of modes of production not found in
JF, 105
Alex Pollock


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