Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 120)
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- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 120)
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Marx's discourse, e.g. the lineage mode of production and the
sharecropping mode of production.
However, I would like to make a few comments on the last two
elements in his specification of a mode of production. If by
“determinate degree of development of development of the
division of labour" and "determinate level of development of
‘productive forces'" Laclau implies that different modes of
production will have specific forms of division of labour and
specific forms of productive forces, then this is not
acceptable. It would merely be to inscribe the hoary problem
of technological determinism into his theoretical
specification. The words "degree" and "level" are ambiguous
in this respect. Every mode of production by definition will
entail a division of labour and productive forces but these
will vary a great deal even within modes of production, e.g.
in non-capitalist peasant agriculture we will often find some
farmers using animal draft-power while other farmers will
utilise tractorised machinery, yet they can both have the
same relationship to their means of production and be
appropriated of their economic surplus in an identical
manner. Does that mean they are involved in different modes
of production? I contend that elements 1 and 2 in Laclau's
definition of a mode of production are the key theoretical
elements for defining different modes of production. However,
in order to look at the productive operation of modes of
production, we have to take into consideration the various
degrees of development of the division of labour and the
various levels of development of the productive forces, since - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Alex Pollock
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