Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 132)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 132)
venues. Among these venues in the English speaking world were
the journals, Economy and Society, Theoretical Practice, New
Left Review, Critique of Anthropology, Journal of Peasant
Studies. Capital and Class, Politics and Society and
Insurgent Sociologist.
47. See, L. Althusser, Essays in Self-Criticism, (London,
48. This was particularly likely given the rationalist
epistemology which Althusser inherited from Bachelardian
philosophy of science. For a short account of Bachelardian
epistemology, see, R. Bhaskar, "Feyerabend and Bachelard: Two
Philosophies of Science", in New Left Review, No 94. 1975.
49. See, B. Hindess and P. Hirst, Pre-Capitalist Modes of
Production, (London, 1975) and Mode of Production and Social
Formation, (London, 1977).
50. Two interesting and relevant substantive conceptual
critiques of Hindess and Hirst. rather than from the
methodological and epistemological critique developed in this
chapter, are T. Asad and H. Wolpe, “Concepts of Modes of
Production", in Economy and Society, Vol 5, No 4, 1976 and J.
Taylor, "Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production", in Critique of
Anthropology, Vol 4 and 5/6, 1975 and 1976.
51. Hindess and Hirst fail to discuss real objects and
their conditions of existence, rather they discuss discourse
and the relations between object of discourse in a manner
which is completely circular. See, Hindess and Hirst, op cit.
1977, pp. 9-33.
52. The term "neo-Smithian" was defined by R. Brenner after
the debate had been ongoing for a number of years. Brenner
Alex Pollock


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