Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 139)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 139)
impose boundaries on their ability to act and the choices
open to them.
In this chapter I will only be interested in defining how the
surplus product is appropriated from the direct producers in
terms of their relations of production. There are other
methods of appropriation which are just as central to the
exploitation of the peasantry and which are interlinked to
economic exploitation in the mode of production. Thus,
surplus product can be siphoned off in the sphere of
circulation and exchange, normally termed exploitation
through unequal exchange. Unequal exchange takes place in
commercial and financial activities rather than in the
production process, i.e. in the process of the circulation of
commodities and the realisation of their value. (2) However,
this is a different form of exploitation which I will deal
with separately in Chapter 4 of this thesis.
One of the main points that should be emphasised about
peasant societies in general, and about the northern’ sector
of the Jordan Valiey as a particular case in point, is that
the main unit of labour supply is the peasant household and
not the individual agricultural worker. Peasant relations of
Production are not normally constituted of an individual
"worker" and her/his relationship with another non-worker who
appropriates part of the product of the labour of the
"worker". Rather, the peasant household, consisting of
husband, wife, sons, daughters and other dependent relatives,
functions in the family division of labour as a "collective
UF 125
Alex Pollock


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