Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 140)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 140)
work unit", part of whose combined product is normally
appropriated by landlords, merchants and/or usurers and other
non-producers, 1.@€. economic class relations are familially
rather than individually constituted. (3) The household unit
is a unit consisting of both a domestic and a public
component in the division of labour. The divisions of labour
in both spheres are organised hierarchically along lines of
gender and patriarchy. (4) This means that, as well as being
engaged in relations of economic exploitation with other
social classes in the external environment, the household is
also the site of relations of domination and subordination in
its own right. These internal relations of patriarchy,
gender, kinship and age are articulated with external
economic relationships embodied in the different forms of
peasant modes of production.
These components in the household division of labour should
not be seen as completely autonomous spheres since they are
integrated and interconnected. The public economic’ sphere,
which is largely dominated by male agriculturalists, is
heavily dependent upon the predominantly female centred
domestic component for the reproduction of the public sphere
of economic activity. Subsistence production items
contributed to the total household consumption by _ the
domestic sphere, of essentially female labour, can function
to reduce the costs of reproduction and increase the level of
exploitation experienced in the public sphere without leading
to the destruction of the system, when the public’ sphere
cannot reproduce the costs of reproduction for the household
Alex Pollock


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