Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 143)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 143)
Situation of occupation which could eventually become
complete colonisation. (7) The Ottoman Land Law enumerates
four categories of juridical ownership. These are, first,
mulk which gives full rights of ownership as private property
in the sense of modern bourgeois jurisprudence, second, miri
land in which right to full possession remains symbolically
in the hands of the state (sovereign) but where usufruct is
in the hands of a private owner, third, Waqf land which is
owned by Islamic institutions, and, finally, musha land which
is land which is collectively owned. (8)
Although the regularisation of landownership in the West Bank
remains problematic and remains a constant site of
contestation between Israel and the indigenous population,
during the 1950's the establishment of private ownership in
substantial sections of land in the Jordan Valley became
widespread after the Hashemite regime, who had control over
the West Bank between 1948-1967, introduced a land reform
programme aimed at exploiting the agricultural potential of
the Jordan Valley. During this period farmers were allotted
private ownership of state land (miri) on proof of land
reclamation, extension of water resources and exploitation of
this land over three consecutive years. After this period the
farmer was given title deeds to her/his land after paying
three Jordanian Dinars per dunum. Moreover, during this
period absentee landlordism became established in the Jordan
Valley as these absentees were able to take advantage of the
sale of this land for exceptionally low prices. (9)
Alex Pollock


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