Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 167)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 167)
that the Israeli state will do much to encourage the
establishment of a free real estate market in Palestinian
farm land in the region, since at the very least this would
mean legally recognising in an unambigious manner
Palestinians' rights to private property in land. (24)
The data show that of the 45 cash tenancies in the region
two-thirds of the incumbents of these tenancies combine cash
tenancy with other kinds of tenancies: 42% combine cash
tenancy with sharecropping, 16% combine cash tenancy with
smallholding and 9% combine cash tenancy with farming-
shepherding (see Table 14). Almost 70% of cash tenants
combine cash tenancy with some other form of land tenure.
Only a minority of cash tenants are solely cash tenants. It
is also possible for cash tenants to sub-let the land they
rent out to sub-tenants, either in the form of cash tenancy
or sharecropping. However, in the present study we are only
concerned to look at bona fide cash tenant farmers.
Ownership of the Means of Production
As in the case of sharecropping, the legal ownership of the
farm land in cash tenancy arrangements is legally owned by a
landiord and not invested directly in the legal ownership of
the direct producer. The cash tenant has no legal rights to
the land s/he works other than those established by private
contract. Also, as in the situation of sharetenancy, the
long-term tenure situation of cash tenants is unstable.
f 153
Alex Pollock


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