Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 168)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 168)
table i4: Feriod of Cash Tenants’ vceasehold
a Combined c:ass Locations
Number of years Lash
Tenant Share- Sheonerd Small—-
cropper . holder
1 26 16 3
2 i ~ - -
Not ascertained & a i 1
Column Total 45 19 4 7
The leasehold situation of cash tenants is legally very
precarious with only 3 tenants (7% of the cash tenant
population) having a leasehold for a period of longer’ than
one year (see Table 14). Four-fifths of all leaseholds are
for a period of only one year and the maximum lease hold is
for three years. Only 13% of cash tenants have lease
contracts for this maximum period of time.
While the actual lease contract is generally for a very short
period of time, the cumulative period of lease holding varies
quite considerably. The average cumulative period of cash
rental is 14 years, while the most common cumulative rental
period is 1 - 4 years, with 29% of cash tenants renting their
land over this period (see Table 15). Over a third of cash
tenants have been cash renting for 20 or more years, while
just under two-fifths have been cash renting for less than 10
years. Thus, although their legal situation is still
generally tenuous and subject to yearly renewal, cash tenants
have established access to their farm land over significantly
LA, 154
Alex Pollock


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