Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 169)
- عنوان
- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 169)
- المحتوى
longer periods of time than those farmers engaged in
sharecropping relationships.
Table 15: Cumuiative Feriod of Cash Tenants’ Leasenoid
} Combined Class Locations
Numoer of years Cash
| Tenant Share- Shepherd Smail—-
| cropper holder
1 - 4 13 a - es
5-9 4 1 1 1
10 - 14 2 - - t
15 ~- 19 4 3 - i
20 - 24 9 4 1 1
2uv - 29 3 2 1 j
30 ~ 34 2 1 ~ -
Not ascertained & as i -
Column Total 45 i9 4 7
Apart from land, rentier landlords very seldom provide other
services to their tenants. For example, only 9% of cash
tenants’ landlords provide them with water (see, Table 16)
and the same number of tenants are provided with a water pump
by their landlords (see, Table 17).
Tabie 16: Does Landlord Frovide Water?
Combined Class Location
| BDoes your iandlord Cash
provide water? Tenant Share- Shepherd Smal l-
cropper holder
Yes 4 1 ~ 1
No oO 14 3 &
Not ascertained & 4 1 -
Column Total 45 19 4 7 - تاريخ
- ١٩٨٧
- المنشئ
- Alex Pollock
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