Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 172)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 172)
labour process. Her/his relationship to her/his tenant is
purely a financial relationship and s/he has no vested
interest in controlling the level of agriculturally generated
profit, other than to ensure that the tenant makes’ enough
money to pay for her/his rent or destroy the eco-structure of
the land.
The cash tenant has total control and responsibility for
managing the labour process in terms of the control of
labour, the objects of labour and the means of labour and, as
we will see, her/his economic control of the means of
production is more akin to relations in smallholding and
farming-landlordism than in sharecropping. This mode of
production can be conceptualised as a limited form of petty-
commodity production.
Form of Appropriation of the Surplus Product
The form of appropriation of the surplus product in cash
tenancy is based on a straightforward financial rental
transaction. The tenant undertakes to pay her/his landlord a
designated sum of money for the right to agricultural
usufruct of a given piece of land. Under normal circumstances
this rent would be determined by prices established on the
agricultural real estate market. This condition can hardly be
Said to operate in relation to the West Bank where colonial
Policy mitigates against the establishment of such a market.
The price of agricultural rent is established by custom
rather than through the process of capitalist ground-rent.
Alex Pollock


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