Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 175)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 175)
relationships. In terms of its constitutive production
relations, smallholding is a non-exploitative form of
production, relations of gender and patriarchy in the peasant
household notwithstanding. Legally the smallholding household
reaps the full benefits of the labour exerted in the
production process.
However, as I previously intimated, once the smallholding
household steps outside the sphere of production proper into
the sphere of exchange and the circulation of commodities,
then it enters a sphere where exploitation and subordination
are experienced. Moreover, although the smal lholding
household is analytically separate from these spheres, as
soon as it enters the realm of commodity production for
exchange rather than the production of use-value production
for subsistence then it becomes intertwined with these
"external" relations in an inextricable manner. The
production of commodities for generalised exchange — and the
whole region is actively engaged in commodity production -
necessitates that the production unit be linked to the wider
economy through merchant and usurer capital relationships.
The production of commodities requires the pre-establishment
of marketing and financial structures and networks as a
necessary condition for independent producers' engagement in
commodity production. These necessary relations which link
the independent producer to the wider economy are normally
established in a mannner which is inimicable to the long-term
interests of the petty-commodity producers.
aa 161
Alex Pollock


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