Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 190)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 190)
Village Agrarian Class Distribution
Before I consider the actual village level distribution of
the different agrarian classes among the seven villages in
the study, I will describe the aggregate regional
distribution of agrarian classes. The data show that out of a
total of 610 regional land tenures two-thirds are held by
sharecroppers, 16% are held by smallholders, 7% are held by
cash tenants, 7% are held by farming-landlords and 3% are
held by farming-shepherds (see Table 27). The data bring out
very clearly the regional predominance of sharecropping as
the numerically most extensive form of landholding. Another
interesting feature of these data is the limited development
of capitalist ground-rent —- i.e. cash tenancy —- which
accounts for less than a tenth of the regional landholdings.
Moreover, while smallholding 18 more significant than all
other forms of landholding except sharecropping, it is still
relatively marginal and regionally undeveloped.
When we consider the overall number of landholdings on a
Village basis we find that two-fifths of all landholdings are
located in the village of Jiftlik, almost a fifth in “Ain al
Beda, slightly more than an eighth in Bardala, atenth in
Frush Bet Dajan, almost a tenth in Zbeidat, a twentieth in
Marj Najeh, 3% in other villages and 1% in “Ain Shibli (see
Table 27). Thus, the regional dominance of Jiftlik as the
centre of regional production is brought out very clearly in
these data.
a 176
Alex Pollock


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