Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 192)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 192)
If we look at the agrarian class formation on a village basis
we find that the aggregate regional picture is subject to
some variation. Thus, the data show that sharecropping is
Statistically predominant in “Ain Shibli, Jiftlik, “Ain al
Beda, Bardala and Zbeidat, where it constitutes 86%, 85%,
68%, 64% and 54% of the respective village landholdings. It
is also the most common form of landholding in Frush Bet
Dajan (42%) but is not numerically greater than the other
forms of landholding. Only in Marj Najeh is the existence of
sharecropping relatively low, here it constitutes only
marginally more than a quarter of the village landholdings.
Smallholding is found relatively frequently in the majority
of villages except Zbeidat and Jiftlik where it constitutes
only 2% and 5% of the respective village landholdings. Only
in ~Ain Shibli was there no incidence of smallholding found.
Smallholding is the most common, although not predominant,
form of landholding in Marj Najeh where “it accounts) for
almost half of the village landholdings. It accounts for
four-fifths of holdings in Frush Bet Dajan, almost a quarter
in Bardala and a fifth of landholdings in “Ain al Beda.
Cash tenancy, while limited in extent, can be found in all
villages but its incidence is relatively low in all villages
except Zbeidat, where it constitutes marginally more than a
third of all the village landholdings. However, although cash
tenancy is fairly common in Zbeidat, sharetenenacy is still
the predominant form of village landholding. In ‘Ain Shibli,
Frush Bet Dajan, Marj Najeh, ‘Ain al Beda, Bardala and
178 f,
Alex Pollock


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