Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 197)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 197)
Individual Landholding Pattern
If we turn from the aggregate picture of land distribution to
consider the individual size of holdings among the different
agrarian classes we find that the majority of all agrarian
classes, except farming-landlords have farm holdings of less
than 25 dunums (see Table 29). 59% of share-rentals, 56% of
Table 29: Forms of Landholding By Dunumage
Forms of Landholding
Number of
Dunums Owned Cash- Share- Row
Farming- Smali- rental rental Total
landiord holder
i- 24 10 33 25 243 329
25 - 49 i? 17 5 {24 159
5a - 74 3 2 3 18 26
75 - FF i - z 4 7
oo - 124 z 2 3 1 8
125 - 149 3 - ~ - 3
150 ~- 174 ] - 1 - 2
200 - B24 2 i 1 i a
300 - 32 3 - - - a
Seg 7 349 - - - i i
400 - 424 2 - ~ - 2
w0O0 - 524 1 - - - i
775 - FPS 3 ~ _ - 2
950 - 974 i - - - 1
Not ascertained - 20 6 17 43
Column Total 44 95 45 409 9S
smallholdings, 51% of cash rentals and only 23% of farming—
landlord holdings are less than 25 dunums. Moreover, nine-
tenths of share-rentals, three-quarters of smallholdings,
two-thirds of cash rentals and half of farming—landlord
holdings are less than 50 dunums in size. Only 1% of share
Alex Pollock


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